Junior Achievement 50th Anniversary K-12 Student Essay Contest Winners | Kennedy's Essay
Author: JA Of Lincoln
Community Involvement
Wednesday, 02 Jun 2021

Image caption: Writing
Congratulations to 2nd grade Arnold Elementary School student, Kennedy Parker, on being selected as one of our Junior Achievement 50th Anniversary K-12 Student Essay Contest elementary winners! Kennedy will receive a $100 cash prize. We loved reading about the new businesses Kennedy imagined in Lincoln’s future that would help people get jobs. We also couldn’t forget about the flying cars she mentioned too - so cool!
Read Kennedy's essay below!
You are going to want a bowl of popcorn and a cup of hot chocolate because you are not going to want to stop reading my essay. In Lincoln 2071 I would be 58 years old and what do I see Lincoln as? I see a beautiful city with flowers, bushes and different trees with lot of different animals and more parks then when I was little so my family can have lots of places to play. I also want there to be more ponds, rivers, and lakes. Another thing is I don't want it to be so cold that I can't wear my shorts and tank tops all year long because I like it warm. I am now going to tell you what I think should stay the same. The most important thing is that we have more nice people than mean people so we can help each other out like we did during the big snow storm of 2021. Businesses what about businesses? I'll tell you. I would like there to be a lot of businesses like museums, art galleries, fashion designers and bakeries so that people have good jobs and be able to afford nice houses. Also it would help with taxes. But the one thing I would love to see is flying cars because it would be super duper cool. I hope you liked my essay. I had fun writing it and can't wait to see Lincoln's future.
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