Celebrating 50 Years of Junior Achievement of Lincoln | Brandon's Story
Author: JA Lincoln
Community Involvement
Thursday, 29 Jul 2021

Image caption: Brandon Smith
Harvey Schwartz
Financial Advisor Senior Vice President, Raymond James
When and where did you experience Junior Achievement programs?
Alumni: Senior year high school at Lincoln East under Duane Myers.
Volunteer from 2006-present at Lincoln Northeast, Lincoln Southeast, Lincoln High, Lincoln Southwest, Lefler, Kooser, and Irving
Member of JA Young Professionals Board 2014-2018. Active on sponsorship and fundraising for all JA Lincoln events (Dinner & Auction, Stock Market Challenge, Golf Classic, and Bowl-A-Thon)
How did Junior Achievement have a positive impact on your life?
Gave me an introduction to entrepreneurship and personal finance.
If you are a Junior Achievement alum, do you remember your Junior Achievement volunteer?
I remember it was a lady who worked at a bank. It was 24 years ago, so I don't remember much more :). My experience with JA has been great. I have met some fantastic teachers and students. JA programs have evolved with technology to be more effective and impactful!
What is your favorite Junior Achievement memory?
Helping with the JA Stock Market Challenge.
Why did you choose to get involved with Junior Achievement?
I choose to volunteer and give back to a program that benefits all in essential life skills areas that are often overlooked or unaddressed.
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